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Regulations for Reviewing and Approving Papers for the National Chung Cheng Law Journal
Article One (Purpose)
To maintain the academic level of the National Chung Cheng Law Journal, published by Department of Law, National Chung Cheng University, these regulations have been drawn up. All papers shall be reviewed in accordance with these regulations before they can be published.
Article Two (Nature)
National Chung Cheng Law Journal, based on its academic field, is limited to publishing legal academic papers, interpretations of verdicts, translations, or other legal research, national or international.
Article Three (Publishing Date)
National Chung Cheng Law Journal, a regular journal, will publish in May and November annually. The Journal will be published more than two times a year if necessary.
Article Four (Editing Committee)
The editing committee comprises a chief editor and six editors. The rules of the committee will be stipulated separately.
Article Five (Two-Way Anonymous Review)
To ensure objectivity and fairness, review for the National Chung Cheng Law Journal is based on two-way anonymous review.
Article Six (Review Procedure)
The review includes review of both the content and format of papers.

Article Seven (Procedure for Format Review)
The format of all papers should be examined first. The authors should conform to the regulations set forth in the call for papers. Papers will be rejected if the authors refuse to make modifications to match the required format.
Article Eight (Procedure for Content Review of Papers)
The papers submitted shall be discussed by the chief editor and editors who are experts in relevant fields, and shall invite two other teachers on campus or elsewhere to examine the content of papers.
Article Nine (Results of Review)
The editors on the editing committee shall decide whether this paper should be published as is, published after minor revision, re-examined after revision, or not published.
Article Ten (Disposal of Excess of Papers)
Editors on the editing committee shall decide which papers will be published in a particular issue according to the balance and effectiveness of papers, if the papers examined and approved are more than sufficient for that issue.
Article Eleven (Certificate of Review)
The chief editor shall provide the author a certificate to indicate the results of the review and the decision to publish, if necessary.
Article Twelve (Implementation of these Regulations)

These regulations shall be examined and passed by the editors on the editing committee, then carried out and sent to the Department of Law .



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